Forum of Swiss Higher Education Institutions

The Forum of Swiss Higher Education Institutions is a network of the projects situated at different universities financed as part of the swissuniversities P-7 programme "Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in University Development" 2021 - 2024. Topic-related activities and collaborations are coordinated and organised. Diversity is understood as intersectional interaction of inequalities including gender, race, sexuality, dis/ability, age, migration, and class. The forum aims at building a Swiss-wide network and at facilitating knowledge building and transfer. The P-7 projects and their different experiences, challenges and achievements will enhance discussions and current social and political movements (such as BlackLivesMatter, feminist strike, implementation of the Disability Rights Convention, inclusive language or COVID-19) will be incorporated to set thematic key areas and to define the priorities on diversity, discrimination, equality and inclusion at Swiss universities.

The forum is coordinated and implemented by the Think Tank Gender & Diversity, a network existing since 2018 and also supported by swissuniversities and various higher education institutions. Since its foundation, the Think Tank has pursued the goal of networking the diverse knowledge and competences in the areas of gender and diversity in research and diversity work at universities and sharing experiences with a broader public. With the creation of the Forum of Swiss Higher Education Institutions 2021-2024, the Think Tank continues and develops this work.

P-7 Projects

  1. Promotion des métiers MINT : création d’un portail et étude d’impact
  2. Centre de compétence et de Ressources pour l'Éducation à l'Égalité (CREE)
  3. Fachdidaktik und Diversität
  4. Diversitätssensible Studiengangsentwicklung – Personalisierung des Studiums
  5. Dozent*innen FH: Geschlechterintegratives Branding umsetzen
  6. Accessible teaching in higher education
  7. H.I.T. – High Potential University Leaders. Identity & Skills Training
  8. Netzwerk inklusive Bildung an der Hochschule – Stark 3
  9. Better Science
  10. Selektivität aufgrund der sozialen Herkunft an Universitäten
  11. Divmed - Diversität beim medizinischen Führungskräftenachwuchs
  12. Nationale Kampagne gegen sexuelle Belästigung
  13. Diversity@HES-VS
  14. Empowerment und Verlernen von Rassismus
  15. Uni4Refugees. Broadening Diversity at Higher Education Institutions
  16. Sex and Gender integration in the Swiss medical curriculum
  17. Special Educational Needs – Strategies for Inclusion in Italian-speaking Swiss universities
  18. Think Tank Gender & Diversity
  19. Gender and Medicine
  20. Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarking
  21. Sex and gender integration in the bachelor curricula of nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy
  22. FemSpin - Female academic entrepreneurship at Swiss universities
  23. Gleichstellung und digitale Transformation
  24. Differenzsensible Lehre – analog, hybrid, online
  25. UNI-ACCESS : Accessibilité des sites web des Hautes écoles
  26. Recommandations "Education et Migration" (swissuniversities, 2020) dans le contexte de l'égalité des chances et de l'inclusion au sein des Hautes Ecoles
  27. Wissenschaftsmanagement an FHs und PHs – Ausprägungen, Entwicklungspfade und Karrierewege
  28. LGBTIQ@Campus
  29. DIEO in Art and Design Schools