Gender Campus is a platform for Gender Studies, Equality and Diversity at Swiss Universities. The editorial team informs about activities and news about these topics and links persons and institutions at Swiss Universities and beyond. On Gender Campus we create and maintain digital and analogue structures. We provide a space for digital and communication work and together with actors from the fields Diversity, Equality and Gender Studies and thereby help to shape the academic landscape of Switzerland.
Gender Campus was initiated in 2001 by representants of universities and universities of applied sciences. From the beginning the platform was affiliated to the interdisciplinary centre for gender studies (IZFG) at the University of Bern and since 2008 a close cooperation with the Centre en Etudes Genre (CEG) at the university in Lausanne exists.
Until the end of 2016 we were financed by national programs of structural development aid and since the beginning of 2017 the operating expenses are borne by the Swiss Universities. All offers and services of Gender Campus are free for members of the participating universities.
Gender Campus will cooperate with GenderOpen, the Open-Access-Repository for Gender Studies in Berlin. Further close cooperation exists with the Delegation Diversity, the contact person and advisor of the committee of swissuniversities in the fields Diversity and Equality as well as with the Network Gender Studies Switzerland.