
Insight into the different contexts and associations dealing with Gender, Equality and Diversity.

All institutions

Find out more about the different stakeholders at Swiss higher education institutions in our database.

Gender Studies Institutions

The most important institutions in Swiss academia concerned with Gender Studies.

Equality and Diversity Institutions

The most important institutions in Swiss academia concerned with Equality and Diversity.


Academic policy institutions that are invested in Gender Studies, Equality and Diversity.


IDEAS - Inclusion, Diversity and Equality Association of Swiss Universities. As the association of equal-opportunities delegates of Swiss universities, IDEAS is committed to implementing the effective equality of all genders. Among other things, they serve as a networking point for joint projects. Read more on the website of IDEAS.

Expert_innengruppe Chancengleichheit Kammer FH

Read more about the expert group in the institutions database of Gender Campus.

AG Gender Egalité

Read more about the AG Gender Egalité in the institutions database of Gender Campus.


People and institutions we are working with.

GenderOpen Repository

Read more about GenderOpen in the institutions database of Gender Campus.

Thinktank Gender und Diversity

The Think Tank Gender & Diversity is a nationwide project involving Swiss universities, higher education institutions and non-academic institutions committed to promoting gender & diversity.


Important associations in Swiss Higher Education institutions and beyond.

Network Gender Studies Switzerland

Read more about the Network Gender Studies in the institutions database of Gender Campus.


Read more on the website of the SAGS.