The Editorial Department of Gender Campus
Damien Michelet is research assistant and interim project manager at Gender Campus. His ambitions for a better world consequently led him to feminism.
damien.michelet gendercampus ch
Chiara Merhi is student assistant at Gender Campus. She is a passionate prospective historian with a critical eye and a love for people and language.
chiara.merhi unibe ch
Nadja Kollbrunner is student assistant at Gender Campus. She is interested in how people live out gender, nature and ecology in the context of inequality, poverty, health & wellbeing in their daily lives, and how access to these politics can be shaped.
nadja.kollbrunner2 unibe ch
Strategic direction
Prof. Dr. Patricia Purtschert (Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies ICFG, University of Bern) is the strategic director of Gender Campus. She is supported by the editorial staff and the academic board.
Academic Board
The academic board guarantees Good Governance and promotes the interests of Swiss Higher Education institutions. It consists of the following members:
- Susanne Burren, Pädagogische Hochschule FHNW
- Beatrice Cipriano, Fachhochschule Ostschweiz
- Lilian Fankhauser, Universität Bern
- Muriel Guyaz, HEP Vaud
- Anne Lavanchy, Haute Ecole de travail social Genève HETS
- Andrea Maihofer, Universität Basel
- Marta Roca i Escoda, Université de Lausanne
- Danuscia Tschudi von Kaenel, SUPSI Soziale Arbeit
Former employees
- Anna Sommer was head of the project/project manager of Gender Campus. Her affection for data took its beginning in a lovely archive.
- Febe Tognina was italian-speaking student assistant at Gender Campus. Interested in people, languages and a strong believer in inclusion, could only be a feminist.
- Alessandra Widmer was research assistant at Gender Campus. She loves the digitized and the analogue, hyperlinks and cyborg myths.
- Vanessa Näf enjoys language in all its forms and reads, studies and communicates from a queer perspective and with a focus on queer culture, science and society.
- Lea Dora Illmer is research assistant at Gender Campus. The question mark is her favourite punctuation mark. She also loves definitions of terms, dried flowers and, of course, feminism.