Artwork: Claude Amsler

claude is interested in various levels of deepness in surfaces and challenges in h_er artistic_scientific work the dominance of the human gaze and eye. claude tries to confront every image act with haraways question with whose blood were my_your_their eyes crafted. c holds a master degree in german linguistics & literature, philosophy and gender studies and works at the interdisciplinary center of gender studies in bern.

Contact information

Artwork: Tasnim Baghdadi

Tasnim Baghdadi ist a freelance illustrator, designer and art mediator. She was born in Cologne, Germany and currently lives in Fribourg, Switzerland. Her work deals with the topics of body and space, which she uses in an abstract and metaphorical manner to visualize and communicate different states of conscioussness and social dynamics. She describes her style as: expressive, repetitive and meta-figurative. Tasnim studied product design in Venlo and art history of Asia and the Orient M.A. in Bonn. Her work was already on display in London, Chicago, Munich, Amsterdam and Berlin. Besides her artistic focus Tasnim also works as a freelance art director, creating visual concepts for editorials, startups and networks. Additional to that she works as an art mediator for serveral exhibition formats.

Contact: info tasnimbaghdadi com

Foto Frauen*streik

Das Foto vom Bundesplatz am 14. Juni 2019 wurde von Raphael Moser BZ aufgenommen.

Artwork: Kati Szilagyi

Kati Szilagyi lives and works in Berlin. She teaches Drawing in Würzburg, Germany and illustrates for several German and international magazines and agencies. Among her clients are The New Yorker, Bloomberg Businessweek, The New York Times, Buzzfeed, Google, Wirtschaftswoche, Focus, Missy Magazine and many more.

Her work is an interaction between analogue and digital elements. She uses classical drawing as well as cutouts and adds the final touches and colours on the computer.

Together with five befriended illustrators she founded Parallel Universe Collective in 2012 for free publications, talks and exhibitions – as well as support among illustrators.

Wandbild "Hopes!"

Artist unknown, Foto Anna Sommer, März 2022