Studies and Research

At which universities can I graduate in Gender Studies? Is it possible to do a PhD in Gender Studies? Which instutions provide funding for Gender Studies?

On these pages you can learn more about study, promotional and funding opportunities in Gender Studies.


Various universities offer bachelor and master degrees in Gender Studies.

Student Organizations

Student unions that are involved in academic policy.

National course directory

Available again in Spring 2019. Courses focusing on Gender at all Swiss universities.


Swiss doctoral programmes in Gender Studies and their activities.



Knowledge sharing possibilities for students, graduate students and post-docs.

Research promotion

Opportunities for researchers: Institutions and programme who provide funding for Gender Studies.

Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF

Read more about the SNSF in the institutions database of Gender Campus.

Paul Scherrer Institute

Read more about the PSI in the institutions database of Gender Campus


Foundations that are willing to provide funding for projects in the field of gender studies.