Monica Landoni


Dr. Monica Landoni


Dr Monica Landoni is a senior research fellow at the Faculty of Informatics since January 2007. Previously, she was a lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences of the University of Strathclyde since 1998 and spent 2005 on a sabbatical position at PARC (formerly Xerox Parc) in Palo Alto, USA. She holds a PhD in Information Science, Department of Information Science, University of Strathclyde, 1997 and a Laurea in Scienze dell´Informazione from Università degli Studi of Milan.

She has authored more than thirty papers in the area of Electronic Publishing and Hypermedia. In the past she has been involved in a number of projects, including the JISC Project "EBONI", Electronic Books ON-screen Interface, EU Projects: STAMP, PENG, REVEAL-THIS and PuppyIR,. Together with SNSF sponsored: DEDUCE, HEBE, and  BEST, and Hasler funded PADS. She is also member of the EUGAIN COST ACTION: European Network for gender balance in Informatics. Her research interests lie mainly in the fields of Information Retrieval, Electronic Publishing and Design for Children, particularly in the area of design and evaluation of user interfaces for electronic books. Other interests include: Hypertext and Hypermedia, Human Computer Interaction, Affective Computing, Electronic Libraries, and E-learning.

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Computer Science