Le séminaire aborde le genre au-travers de la perspective de l'intersectionnalité. Il questionne le rôle de la différence sociale et des identités croisées (genre, race, ethnicité, sexualité, classe...) dans la construction des espaces sociaux et politiques. Nous examinerons la manière dont les interventions féministes nous aident à comprendre les principaux problèmes de société auxquels nous sommes confrontés au 21e siècle. En particulier, nous explorons la pensée féministes en relation avec cinq thèmes clés : Identité, différence et corps ; Genre, frontières et mondialisation ; Conflit, sécurité et violence géopolitique ; Migration et travail ; Environnement, écologie politique et développement.
What is the role of difference and intersecting identities, such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality and class, in constituting spaces and places? What can feminist scholarship tell us about migration, work, nationalism, conflict, nature and development? In this course, we examine the waysfeminist interventions help us understand key societal issues that we face in the 21st century. We explore how feminist thought expands ourunderstanding of and engagement with five key themes: Identity, difference and the body; Gender, borders and globalization; Conflict, securityand geopolitical violence; Migration and work; Environment, political ecology and development.
The students are not required to have a previous knowledge of feminism or geography. The themes of the seminar will be explored in a waythat speaks to both the students who are new to feminism, and students who are new to geography, as the class reviews some basicgeographic concepts as well.