This service promotes concrete projects and actions of awareness in order to integrate the dimension of gender and the basic themes relative to equal opportunity within SUPSI and the University of Southern Switzerland.
As well as organising meetings and seminars connected to the question of equality and informing managements, faculties, departments and institutions on the gender dimension, the service manages diverse concrete projects on several fronts.
In particular, the service is active in achieving a more equal presence between women and men in the two universities, both at the level of the student body and in the various positions in the hierarchy, in order to create conditions of study and work for women and men which are compatible with family life, and to integrate the dimensions of gender and the culture of difference into teaching and research.
In the carrying out of its duties, Gender and Diversity Services maintains, through the creation of networks, internal, external, national and international information contacts.
Übergeordnete Institutionen:
Servizio Gender e Diversity