Guillemette Bolens is Professor of Medieval English Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of Geneva. Her research focuses on the history of the body, kinesic intelligence, gestures, sensorimotricity, and embodied cognition in visual and verbal arts. Her publications range from Homer and Virgil to Joyce and Proust, from Beowulf and Chrétien de Troyes to Chaucer and the Gawain Poet, from Cervantes and Sterne to Jacques Tati and Eddie Izzard.
She was a member of Terence Cave’s Balzan project Literature as an Object of Knowledge at the St John’s College Research Centre, University of Oxford, and contributed to the Arts and Humanities Research Council project A History of Distributed Cognition led at the University of Edinburgh by Douglas Cairns, Miranda Anderson and colleagues.
She led the Swiss National Science Foundation project Kinesic Knowledge in Anthropology and Literature, and she presently works with Stephanie Trigg, Joe Hughes, and Tyne Sumner (University of Melbourne) in the Australian Research Council project Literature and the Face: A Critical History, https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/school-of-culture-and-communication/our-research/research-projects/literature-and-the-face-a-critical-history
She is a member of Anne Pellois’ research project Former au jeu: les opérations de l’acteur (Manufacture: Haute école des arts de la scène), http://www.manufacture.ch/fr/3373/Operations
And she is on the sientific board of ILPEM: Institutla Personne en médecine: http://lapersonneenmedecine.uspc.fr
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Arte – cultura