Persone Dre. Claude-Emmanuelle Centlivres Challet Discipline Scienze umane Personal Information Temi:Studi di Genere Discipline:Scienze umane Temi: Coppia – relazione – matrimonio – unione Materie: Scienze Antiche Pubblicazioni: Married Life in Greco-Roman Antiquity Life within an ancient knot. The extraordinary within the confines of the ordinary Pliny the Lover: by the book Roman breastfeeding: control and affect Feeding the Roman nursling: maternal milk, its substitutes, and their limitations Tire-lait ou biberons romains? Fonctions, fonctionnalités et affectivité Say it with fluids: what the body exudes and retains when Juvenal’s couple relationships.. Progetti: Regards croisés sur les relations de couple dans l'Antiquité