Mallory Xinyu Zhan

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Mallory Xinyu Zhan


Mallory is a researcher at the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative and a Ph.D candidate in Environment and Sustainable Development at GEDT.

Mallory holds a Master’s Degree in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) and a B.A in Economics and Women’s Studies at Agnes Scott College.

Mallory has several years of experience working with UN organizations including UNDP and UNICEF, primarily on partnership building and resource mobilization. Mallory has also worked for the Environment Programme at the Oak Foundation where she managed a portfolio supporting NGOs fighting climate change in the global south. Alongside her Ph.D, Mallory serves as an advisor to the SDG Lab at UN Geneva.


Mallory is interested in citizen participation in global environmental movements. Her doctoral thesis explores the transformative potential of citizens and consumers in environmental movements like the zero-waste. She is working under the supervision of Professor Marlyne Sahakian. 


Social Studies of Waste, Sustainable Consumption, Comparative Study of Environmental Movement, Community-based Participatory Research

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