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- Délai: Tasks: Contact person for the association Support to the presidency Responsible for the management of the members Organization of the meetings of the society's board of directors, the editorial board of the Gender Issues series (Seismo) and the annual meeting of members Taking of minutes Administrative and scientific support to the different projects of the society (i.e. the Brigitte Schnegg Prize) Co-management of the external communication of the society: Participation in the maintenance of the website and social media accounts Co-writing and mailing of the SSEG-SGGF Bulletin Co-production and mailing of flyers Participation in fundraising Requirements: MA or PhD-Student Very good administrative and communication skills (project management) Familiarity with gender studies Fluent in English. Good knowledge of French and German Willingness to work flexible hours and autonomously Asset: former work experience with/in associations and familiarity with the way associations function Work place is Neuchâtel. The secretary is required to spend some time for meetings at UNINE. For the most part work can be done remotely The salary and working conditions are in accordance with the regulations of the University of Neuchâtel. The preferred start date is as soon as possible. Applications (CV and motivation letter) should be submitted at info@genregeschlecht.ch. For additional information about the position please contact the president of the Society: janine.dahinden@unine.ch.
- Délai: Job Title: Assistant Professor of Gender Studies (f/m/d) Date: 18 Dec 2024 Department: Department of Gender Studies Full-time/Part-time: Full-time Location: Vienna, AT, 1100 Application Deadline: Open until filled The Department of Gender Studies at Central European University (CEU) invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Gender Studies. We are looking for a candidate with a social sciences background who specializes in gender and environmental justice with a Global South research focus. The successful applicant is expected to have a strong theoretical grounding in gender studies and a research agenda that crosscuts one or more of the following: migration and border processes, religion, economic inequalities, peace and conflict studies. The department is interested in an applicant with a qualitative approach to research who can offer courses in a variety of qualitative methods, potentially also mixed with quantitative approaches. The Department of Gender Studies at CEU strives to meet the growing demand for knowledge and expertise in gender issues by providing both Master's and doctoral level programs in Gender Studies, as well as serving as a base for non-degree studies and other activities in the field. On the Master’s level we offer a one-year MA degree and a two-year MA in Critical Gender Studies, and we are partners in MATILDA (two-year European MA in Women’s and Gender History) and GEMMA (two-year Erasmus Mundus Master´s Degree in Women's and Gender Studies). In addition, we offer a PhD in Comparative Gender Studies. Gender Studies faculty also teach in the CEU’s new BA programs. The Department attracts students from a wide range of disciplines, mainly but not exclusively in the social sciences and the humanities, and focuses on integrative and comparative approaches in Gender Studies. The Department emphasizes a rich variety of scholarly interests that interrogate gender and sexuality as they are intertwined with (post) state-socialisms, nationalism and conflict, migration and borders, labor and care work, postcolonial and decolonial feminisms, posthuman and animal studies, cultural studies and literature, transnationalism, and international political movements, often with a historical dimension. Duties and Responsibilities Developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, supervising BA, MA, and PhD theses in the above areas and more broadly in gender studies. The department serves a global student population. A firm commitment to inclusive instruction and mentoring for a diverse international student body is expected A clear and active research agenda and a demonstrated ability to regularly publish in major professional venues Administrative tasks at departmental and university levels. Qualifications PhD in Gender Studies, or related field, in hand by the start of the employment A portfolio of publications in high-quality, peer-reviewed international journals or with respected book publishers Teaching experience at undergraduate and graduate levels, including thesis supervision and course development Excellent communication skills and the ability to work as part of a team What CEU Offers We offer a yearly salary of 70,000 EUR as well as additional benefits (e.g., pension plan, sabbatical system). The initial contract is for 6 years. The contract is renewable and can be turned into an indefinite contract depending on the outcome of a review. How to Apply Applications should include: A brief cover letter (1-2 pages max) including a statement about the applicant’s research and teaching plans A comprehensive cv including: - a list of publications - experience in teaching - the names and contact details of three referees A sample of scholarly writing (in English) Teaching evaluations (if available) A draft syllabus for an MA-level elective seminar course. Please note: we do not ask for reference letters at the first stage of application; the referees of shortlisted candidates will be contacted for references later. Note: Review of applications will begin on 25th January 2025 and continue until the position is filled. CEU is an equal opportunity employer and values geographical and gender diversity, thus encouraging applications from women and/or other underrepresented groups. Since CEU strives to increase the share of women in professorial positions, given equal qualifications, preference will be given to female applicants. CEU recognizes that personal and family circumstances shape the trajectory of one’s career and working patterns. As such, and in line with CEU’s promotion of Equal Opportunities, we encourage applicants to detail periods of leave, part-time work or other such situations in their applications so that the Search Committee is able to assess an applicant’s academic record fairly in the context of their circumstances. Any declaration of personal and family circumstances is voluntary and will be handled confidentially and only considered in so far as it impacts on the academic career of an applicant. About CEU One of the world’s most international universities, a unique founding mission positions Central European University as both an acclaimed center for the study of economic, historical, social and political challenges, and a source of support for building open and democratic societies that respect human rights and human dignity. CEU is accredited in the United States and Austria, and offers English-language bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in the social sciences, the humanities, law, environmental sciences, management and public policy. CEU enrolls more than 1,400 students from over 100 countries, with faculty from over 50 countries. In 2019, CEU relocated from Hungary to Austria as the Hungarian government revoked its ability to issue US-accredited degrees in the country. As a result, CEU offers all of its degree programs in Vienna, Austria; and retains a non-degree, research and civic engagement presence in Budapest, Hungary, through its CEU Democracy Institute, the Institute for Advanced Study, the CEU Summer University and The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA), and its Hungarian language public educational programs and public lectures. For more information, please visit https://www.ceu.edu/. Requisition ID: 740
- Délai: 30 janvier 2025 Stellenausschreibung Die Akademie Waldschlösschen sucht zum 1. März 2025 eine*n eine*n pädagogische*n Mitarbeiter*in im Veranstaltungsmanagement (m/w/d/k.A.) in Vollzeit (40 Wochenstunden) innerhalb des Projektes Selbstverständlich Vielfalt – Kooperationsverbund für sexuelle, romantische und geschlechtliche Selbstbestimmung im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms „Demokratie leben!“ des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ).
- Délai: 31 janvier 2025 Im Rahmen des Professorinnenprogramms 2030 des Bundes und der Länder (Prädikat „Gleichstellungsstarke Hochschule“) ist an der Universität Bayreuth ab frühestens Februar 2025 eine 100%-PostDoc Stelle (w/d/m) mit Vergütung nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L befristet auf maximal fünf Jahre zu besetzen. Die Befristung der Stelle richtet sich nach dem Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz. Sie dient der Qualifizierung zur Professur im Rahmen der Richtlinie des Professorinnenprogramms des Bundes und der Länder vom 19. Dezember 2022 und orientiert sich an der BMBF-Richtlinie zur Förderung von Strukturen zur systematischen Berücksichtigung von geschlechtsbezogenen Aspekten in Forschungsfragen („Geschlechteraspekte im Blick“) vom 20. Juli 2021. Im Übrigen gelten die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen nach dem Bayerischen Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG). Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist eine abgeschlossene Promotion und ein Konzept für ein eigenständiges Forschungsvorhaben, das an der Universität Bayreuth anschlussfähig ist, Geschlechteraspekte beinhaltet und in einem Bereich angesiedelt ist, in dem Geschlechterforschung bisher noch nicht nachhaltig im wissenschaftlichen Kern der Disziplin verankert ist (vgl. dazu Empfehlung zur Weiterentwicklung der Geschlechterforschung in Deutschland des Wissenschaftsrates vom Juli 2023, S. 71 ff). Mit der Stelle ist auf Wunsch wissenschaftliche Lehre im Umfang von (bis zu 4 SWS) verbunden. Erwünscht sind Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement, in der Gleichstellungsarbeit an Hochschulen, im Bereich Antragstellung und Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten sowie das Interesse und die Bereitschaft, Geschlechteraspekte in die Lehre einzubringen. Wir bieten eine interessante, vielseitige und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit im universitären Umfeld, die Zusammenarbeit mit der Servicestelle Chancengleichheit (für die Geschlechter) insbesondere im Rahmen des BMBF-Projektes „GO Forschung“, den Austausch mit dem Netzwerk „Gender, Queer, Intersectionality und Diversity Studies (GeQuInDi), eine flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung, interne Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, Universitäres Gesundheitsmanagement (UGM) und die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme am Hochschulsport. Die Universität Bayreuth schätzt die Vielfalt ihrer Beschäftigten als Bereicherung und bekennt sich ausdrücklich zum Ziel der Chancengleichheit der Geschlechter. Frauen werden hierbei mit Nachdruck um ihre Bewerbung gebeten. Bewerbungen von Personen mit Kindern sind sehr willkommen. Die Universität Bayreuth ist Mitglied im Best-Practice Club „Familie in der Hochschule e.V.“, und hat erfolgreich am HRK-Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschule“ teilgenommen. Personen mit Schwerbehinderung werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Bewerbung Bitte bewerben Sie sich online mit aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Forschungskonzept, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, etc.) bis zum 31.01.2025 unter Angabe des Kennworts „Prädikatsstelle“ über unser Bewerbungsportal der Universität Bayreuth. Die Unterlagen werden nach Besetzung der Stelle gemäß den Anforderungen des Datenschutzes gelöscht. Bei Rückfragen können sie sich gerne an die Leiterin der Servicestelle Chancengleichheit bzw. Projektleiterin des Professorinnenprogramms 2030 wenden: Miriam Bauch (Tel. 0921/ 55 – 2218; miriam.bauch@uni-bayreuth.de)
- Délai: 31 janvier 2025 Call for Co-Editor in Chief of Gender and Justice The Editorial Management Board of Gender and Justice invites applications for a Co-Editor in Chief to join the existing editorial team of the journal to run for a period of three years, with the possibility of renewing for a second two-year term. Gender and Justice is a new international and transdisciplinary journal dedicated to advancing critical feminist scholarship on equality and justice in the social sciences, and from different methodological perspectives. It will publish its inaugural issue in March 2025. The journal aims to showcase innovative contributions that are theoretically-driven and/or empirically-grounded approaches to various forms of gender inequality, injustice and exclusion which influence and shape individuals' lives across diverse and global contexts. The editors’ conception of justice is comprehensive. It encompasses economic, social, criminal, distributive, environmental, cultural and political dimensions. Gender and Justice seeks articles that treat gender, sexuality and justice as entwined rather than discrete processes in social relations. The journal is committed to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in these domains, disseminating cutting-edge research that not only addresses existing issues but also raises fresh inquiries, and advocates for ground-breaking approaches to both the theory and practice of social scientific research. In particular, the journal will welcome articles that introduce and advance new conceptual and creative methodological approaches to research and practice relative to gender justice, and that can advance knowledge and inform activism. Gender and Justice will concentrate upon generating critical debates to consider what a feminist conception of justice can mean in terms of an ethical society, and in terms of developing and enriching critical feminist/gender/queer and social theory. The Gender and Justice editorial team looks towards a more hopeful future. We are focused on providing an ethical and rigourous space for the feminist exploration and problematisation of social, political, economic and legal factors – amongst others – that impact upon as well as shape and inform, gendered ways of living and being globally. Fundamentally, it is our ambition that feminist researchers who are at all stages of their careers will turn to us to publish their work, confident in the knowledge that we will treat them and their research with respect and recognise their dignity as members of a broad and inclusive academic community. More information about the journal can be found here: https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals/gender-and-justice. Applications are invited for a Co-Editor in Chief whose expertise will complement that of the existing Co-Editors in Chief. Current disciplinary areas of expertise lie in intersection of feminist theory and methods, sociology, criminology and criminal law. The editorial team aims to reflect the transdisciplinary and international nature of the journal. This is an exciting opportunity to help shape and develop the journal over the coming 3-5 years. The Co-Editors in Chief, Associate Editors and Editorial Management Board work closely together, are very supportive and meet at least once a year, either in person or virtually, to help inform future content of the journal. We are particularly interested in building a diverse editorial team with good international networks that reflects the breadth of our intended readership. Applications should include a short CV (no more than two pages) highlighting relevant experience and a cover letter (up to two pages long) addressing the following: Your vision for the journal and how you will contribute to editorial strategy; How you will ensure the editorial team is soliciting and receiving articles that make substantial and meaningful contributions across the multiple fields that make up the journal’s scope; How you will contribute to the growth of Gender and Justice’s international presence and ensure the high quality of articles published to achieve good results across a wide range of quality indicators; What you can bring to the journal in terms of your experience of working on other journals, your areas of relevant expertise and why you feel you meet the requirements of the role; How you propose to work together and divide tasks and responsibilities between the editors; How you will ensure effective team working. Please also refer to the Co-Editor in Chief Job Description and Person Specification. Prospective applicants may like to informally contact members of the Selection Committee at lexmembership@lexnetwork.org. Selection committee: Anna Carline, Co-Editor in Chief Sharron FitzGerald, Co-Editor in Chief Lesley McMillan, Co-Editor in Chief Edwina Thorn, Publisher Applications should be forwarded by email to genderandjustice-editorial@bristol.ac.uk, no later than 31 January 2025. All applications will be considered by the Selection Committee, and a shortlist of candidates will be interviewed. The selected candidates will enter into contract with Bristol University Press, the publisher of the journal. An Editorial Assistant, who supports the day to day work of the journal is provided by the Publisher. Gender and Justice Co-Editor in Chief Job Description The Editors in Chief have overall responsibility for all editorial aspects of the Journal including: Commissioning and encouraging quality submissions with broad international authorship; Working with the wider Editorial Team (namely the Associate Editors) to receive submissions; identify suitable referees; make editorial decisions on acceptance, revision or rejection in the light of referees’ reports; oversee the journey of accepted papers from acceptance to publication; liaising with the publisher over publication arrangements; or, where a decision is made to reject unsuitable manuscripts, rejecting manuscripts in a manner that respects the efforts of the author and provides suitable encouragement in their future efforts; Sustaining and enhancing the quality of the articles published in the journal. This includes establishing policies and guidelines for acceptance of manuscripts and general instructions for authors, with a view to ensuring manuscript submissions that meet the scope and high quality and ethical standards of the journal; Liaising with other members of the Editorial Team to ensure content is delivered to schedule; Deciding on the content and balance of each issue of the journal (apart from guest edited special issues, where the editor would reach a broad agreement with the guest editor(s) on the shape of the issue); Liaising closely with colleagues at Bristol University Press and ensuring schedules and deadlines are adhered to; Maintaining and further developing the international reputation of the journal; Working with the Editorial Assistant to organise the annual meetings of the Editorial Board and preparing an Editors’ Report and any other relevant papers for these meetings. Formulating and reviewing the journal’s editorial strategy in collaboration with the other Editors and putting ideas for development to the Management Board; Developing and sustaining a wide network of reliable referees; Working with the Editorial Board to generate, and respond to, ideas for special/themed issues of the journal or themed calls for papers; Where necessary, developing calls for the appointment of new Associate Editors and Board members; Encouraging active participation in the journal on the part of Associate Editors, and Editorial Advisory Board members; The term of office is three years with the possibility of extending for a further two years. The selected candidates will enter into contract with Bristol University Press, the publisher of the journal. Person Specification Essential Scholars of high international reputation in fields such as sociology, human geography, political science, economics, health, socio-legal studies, law, criminology, migration and other related fields. We welcome interest from feminist, cultural and political theory as well as specialists in research methods; Editorial experience, including extensive experience of refereeing for a range of journals; Understanding of the processes and operations of an academic journal – for example by membership of an Editorial Board; Can come from any of the above-cited disciplines, but must be sympathetic to the inter-disciplinary nature of the journal, and able to encourage submissions from all perspectives; Open to a range of research methods and philosophies; Sympathetic to practitioner research undertaken to a high standard as well as conventional ‘academic’ research; Vision and passion for development of the Journal; Experience of using an online journal submission and peer review system; Commitment to the practicalities of the role and able to devote the time required; Able to attend virtual board meetings in a time slot that works for the majority of Board members (including the UK based publishers).
- Délai: 31 janvier 2025 The Editorial Management Board of Gender and Justice invites applications for a Co-Editor in Chief to join the existing editorial team of the journal to run for a period of three years, with the possibility of renewing for a second two-year term. Applications close on 31 January 2025. Gender and Justice is a new international and transdisciplinary journal dedicated to advancing critical feminist scholarship on equality and justice in the social sciences, and from different methodological perspectives. It will publish its inaugural issue in March 2025. The journal aims to showcase innovative contributions that are theoretically-driven and/or empirically-grounded approaches to various forms of gender inequality, injustice and exclusion which influence and shape individuals' lives across diverse and global contexts. The editors' conception of justice is comprehensive. It encompasses economic, social, criminal, distributive, environmental, cultural and political dimensions. Applications are invited for a Co-Editor in Chief whose expertise will complement that of the existing Co-Editors in Chief. Current disciplinary areas of expertise lie in intersection of feminist theory and methods, sociology, criminology and criminal law. The editorial team aims to reflect the transdisciplinary and international nature of the journal. This is an exciting opportunity to help shape and develop the journal over the coming 3-5 years. The Co-Editors in Chief, Associate Editors and Editorial Management Board work closely together, are very supportive and meet at least once a year, either in person or virtually, to help inform future content of the journal. We are particularly interested in building a diverse editorial team with good international networks that reflects the breadth of our intended readership.
- Délai: 31 janvier 2025 100 %-PostDoc (w/d/m) Im Rahmen des Professorinnenprogramms 2030 des Bundes und der Länder (Prädikat "Gleichstellungsstarke Hochschule") Bewerbungsfrist: 31. Januar 2025 Im Rahmen des Professorinnenprogramms 2030 des Bundes und der Länder (Prädikat „Gleichstellungsstarke Hochschule“) ist an der Universität Bayreuth ab frühestens Februar 2025 eine 100%-PostDoc Stelle (w/d/m) mit Vergütung nach Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L befristet auf maximal fünf Jahre zu besetzen. Die Befristung der Stelle richtet sich nach dem Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz. Sie dient der Qualifizierung zur Professur im Rahmen der Richtlinie des Professorinnenprogramms des Bundes und der Länder vom 19. Dezember 2022 und orientiert sich an der BMBF-Richtlinie zur Förderung von Strukturen zur systematischen Berücksichtigung von geschlechtsbezogenen Aspekten in Forschungsfragen („Geschlechteraspekte im Blick“) vom 20. Juli 2021. Im Übrigen gelten die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen nach dem Bayerischen Hochschulinnovationsgesetz (BayHIG). Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist eine abgeschlossene Promotion und ein Konzept für ein eigenständiges Forschungsvorhaben, das an der Universität Bayreuth anschlussfähig ist, Geschlechteraspekte beinhaltet und in einem Bereich angesiedelt ist, in dem Geschlechterforschung bisher noch nicht nachhaltig im wissenschaftlichen Kern der Disziplin verankert ist (vgl. dazu Empfehlung zur Weiterentwicklung der Geschlechterforschung in Deutschland des Wissenschaftsrates vom Juli 2023, S. 71 ff). Mit der Stelle ist auf Wunsch wissenschaftliche Lehre im Umfang von (bis zu 4 SWS) verbunden. Erwünscht sind Erfahrungen im Projektmanagement, in der Gleichstellungsarbeit an Hochschulen, im Bereich Antragstellung und Durchführung von Drittmittelprojekten sowie das Interesse und die Bereitschaft, Geschlechteraspekte in die Lehre einzubringen. Wir bieten eine interessante, vielseitige und abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit im universitären Umfeld, die Zusammenarbeit mit der Servicestelle Chancengleichheit (für die Geschlechter) insbesondere im Rahmen des BMBF-Projektes „GO Forschung“, den Austausch mit dem Netzwerk „Gender, Queer, Intersectionality und Diversity Studies (GeQuInDi), eine flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung, interne Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, Universitäres Gesundheitsmanagement (UGM) und die Möglichkeit zur Teilnahme am Hochschulsport. Die Universität Bayreuth schätzt die Vielfalt ihrer Beschäftigten als Bereicherung und bekennt sich ausdrücklich zum Ziel der Chancengleichheit der Geschlechter. Frauen werden hierbei mit Nachdruck um ihre Bewerbung gebeten. Bewerbungen von Personen mit Kindern sind sehr willkommen. Die Universität Bayreuth ist Mitglied im Best-Practice Club „Familie in der Hochschule e.V.“, und hat erfolgreich am HRK-Audit „Internationalisierung der Hochschule“ teilgenommen. Personen mit Schwerbehinderung werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Bewerbung Bitte bewerben Sie sich online mit aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Forschungskonzept, Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, etc.) bis zum 31.01.2025 unter Angabe des Kennworts „Prädikatsstelle“ über unser Bewerbungsportal der Universität Bayreuth. Die Unterlagen werden nach Besetzung der Stelle gemäß den Anforderungen des Datenschutzes gelöscht. Bei Rückfragen können sie sich gerne an die Leiterin der Servicestelle Chancengleichheit bzw. Projektleiterin des Professorinnenprogramms 2030 wenden: Miriam Bauch (Tel. 0921/ 55 – 2218; miriam.bauch@uni-bayreuth.de)
- Délai: 31 janvier 2025 The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF) at McGill University, Montreal, Canada invites applications for the position of Muriel Gold Visiting Professor. This nil-salary position is open to applicants wishing to spend one or two academic terms (Fall 2025 and/or Winter 2026) in residence at McGill to carry out research on gender, sexuality or feminist studies. The Institute is located at the center of a stimulating, bilingual, urban environment in the city of Montreal. It offers workspace and support, an ongoing seminar program, and contact with faculty members at McGill and neighboring Montreal universities. To be eligible, applicants must hold a faculty position in another academic institution. The position is ideal for those with research leave funding, a portable research fellowship, or sabbatical. Research funding of up to $5,000 is available from the IGSF. Visiting professors participate in our work-in-progress series and have an opportunity to present and discuss their research with an engaged and enthusiastic research community. While we may be able to provide administrative advice on the following matters, we ask that IGSF visiting professors assume full responsibility on matters relating to visa applications, health insurance, housing and living expenses. Please note in particular that Canada does not pay for hospital or medical services for visitors. We ask all visiting professors to secure health insurance for the duration of the stay in Canada. How to apply: Please submit your application and all required documents via the official posting available on Workday. Required documents: One-page proposal describing the research to be undertaken while in residence A copy or link to a recent publication An up-to-date curriculum vitae An indication of the potential period of tenure as Muriel Gold Visiting Professor This position is nil-salary.
- Délai: 27 février 2025 Diversity & Inclusion Officer (HR-DH-DVY-2024-235-GRAE) Geneva, Switzerland Full-time Job Description Your responsibilities Diversity, one of CERN's core values, centers on the principles of: appreciating differences, fostering equality, and promoting collaboration. The Diversity & Inclusion Programme initiates and drives actions to help attract and retain a diverse and inclusive workforce. As an international organization whose personnel include physicists, engineers, technicians, IT professionals, as well as administrative and operational personnel, we aim to reflect the rich diversity of our Member and Associate Member States. Working closely with the Diversity & Inclusion Programme Leader, you will collaborate with a variety of interlocutors throughout the Organisation. You will develop a range of professional competencies, including in the fields of diversity & inclusion (“D&I”) strategy development, change management, communications, data analysis, event organisation, and administrative support. Related studies and/or work experience may include, but are not limited to: sociology, psychology, communications, diversity & inclusion, human resources, or even neuroscience. As Diversity & Inclusion Adviser you will: Contribute to the design and implementation of a new inclusion-based strategy; Propose and support D&I-related activities; Extract and analyse diversity-related data and present the results; Establish and foster professional relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders; Prepare and deliver D&I-related presentations; Organise and chair meetings; Draft newsletter and reports; Develop D&I-related awareness raising events; Answer D&I-related queries, including on sensitive topics; Communicate Programme's activities in creative and inclusive ways; Handle administrative tasks. More information about the Diversity & Inclusion Programme here: https://diversity-and-inclusion.web.cern.ch/about/who-we-are Your profile Skills: Demonstrated interest or experience in diversity & inclusion matters, either professionally or in another capacity; Be willing to work autonomously, and handle a busy workload; Have good communication skills, and be willing to to develop them further; Demonstrated ability and interest in extracting, analysing, and visualising data; Familiarity in basic website management using Drupal or WordPress; Very good proficiency in oral and written skills in English; Very good proficiency in office skills, particularly in PowerPoint and Excel, also PowerBI and AI tools; Experience in organising events or awareness raising campaigns could be an asset. Eligibility criteria: You are a national of a CERN Member or Associate Member State. By the application deadline, you have a maximum of two years of professional experience since graduation in Social Science, Communications, or HR (or a related field) and your highest educational qualification is either a Bachelor's or Master's degree. You have never had a CERN fellow or graduate contract before. Applicants without University degree are not eligible. Applicants with a PhD are not eligible. Additional Information Job closing date: 27.02.2025 at 23:59 hrs CET. Contract duration: 24 months, with a possible extension up to 36 months maximum. Working hours: 40 hours per week Target start date: 01-June-2025 Job reference: HR-DH-DVY-2024-235-GRAE Field of work: Support Services (Finance, HR, Legal, Procurement) What we offer A monthly stipend ranging between 5196 and 5716 Swiss Francs (net of tax). Coverage by CERN's comprehensive health scheme (for yourself, your spouse and children), and membership of the CERN Pension Fund. Depending on your individual circumstances: installation grant; family, child and infant allowances; payment of travel expenses at the beginning and end of contract. 30 days of paid leave per year. On-the-job and formal training at CERN as well as in-house language courses for English and/or French. About us At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. Using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments, they study the basic constituents of matter - fundamental particles that are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives physicists clues about how particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature. Find out more on http://home.cern. Diversity has been an integral part of CERN's mission since its foundation and is an established value of the Organization. Employing a diverse workforce is central to our success.