Islamophobia in Switzerland: National Report 2016
European Islamophobia Report 2016, pp. 567-582
This study has collected and analysed data on the phenomenon of Islamophobia with the aim of informing the public and giving stakeholders tools to address discrimination and deconstruct prejudice. The report shows that the situation of Islamophobia has not only worsened due to the geopolitical context but also due to a policy of exclusion against migrants reinforced by a specific and exclusive conception of the nation. The creation of a scapegoat makes it possible to strengthen the identity of the national community, at the expense of the respect of human rights and rationality. During the research period (January 2016-December 2016), a wide range of sources (media, data, academia) were examined. If the number of federal votes against foreigners also corresponds to a form of Islamophobia, the specificities of Islamophobia itself must be observed. This form of cultural racism often focuses on women’s clothes. The issue of the veil in school has become a recurring theme - in the name of a secularism in many ways fantasized by its promoters. The emblematic case of the two teenagers who refused to shake hands with their teacher reveals tensions and an inability to build a constructive dialogue. In contrast to this hysterical treatment of a news item and to the production of stereotypes, however, a space for exchange and mutual understanding exists in Switzerland. It is this mission that education can ensure, notably through the Swiss Centre for Islam and Society of the University of Fribourg which opened its doors in 2016. In this report, I sought to identify the main incidents of the past year in order to provide comprehensive and useful insights for discussion and prevention. In particular, I examined the extent to which these incidents took place in the workplace and school and how Islamophobia affected the political debate. It is also revealing that physical violence lies upon on verbal violences, discourses and ideologies favoring an essentialist representation of Islam and Muslims, to the detriment of debate based on rationality and inter-knowledge. This affects not only the minorities but the entire population, creating a deleterious climate that does not favor the common good.
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Edité par:
Enes Bayraklı & Farid Hafez
Maison d'édition:
Type de média:
Discriminations – marginalisation – ségrégation