Queer Family’s Longing for Belonging – Heteronormativity Beyond Antinormativity
In: Sehlikoglu, Sertaç, Karioris, Frank (eds.). The Everyday Makings of Heteronormativity. Cross-Cultural Explorati-ons of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, 171-184
This chapter constitutes an intervention in these queer theory debates on the analytical concept of “heteronormativity.” I view critiques of heteronor-mativity that are based on the juxtaposition of normativity versus antinorma-tivity as falling short, because they do not primarily consider the simultaneity and ambivalence in processes of normalization and denormalization. Depart-ing from ethnographic material on so-called rainbow families within the Global North and West, I will delineate ways of living and feeling family that exceed the clear-cut binary between heteronormative versus dissident modes of relatedness. The question I thereby ask is how we might think of queer relationality in terms of LGBT*Q-families without assuming a position either of normativity or antinormativity from the outset. How then can we conceive normativity beyond oppositional terms? My aim is not to disengage from the question of normativity. Quite the contrary, I seek to grasp the social prac-tices and political desires for normativity, in particular for heteronormativity in the context of queer families. I will try to make plausible, while examin-ing modes of relatedness of queer families, that heteronormativity is more dynamic and politically ambivalent than the dichotomy normativity versus antinormativity suggests. This will finally lead me to revisit the analytic term heteronormativity and suggest a reformulation of heteronormativity beyond antinormativity.
Informazioni sulla pubblicazione
A cura di:
Sertaç Sehlikoglu & Frank Karioris
Casa editrice:
Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield
Tipo di media:
Famiglia – genitorialità – parentela
Norme – normatività
Orientamento sessuale
Identità di genere
Studi di genere, Sociologia
Capitolo d'opera collettiva