FemInfo 69: Gender, Feminism, Disability and Ableism in Switzerland

An issue by the Swiss Feminist Research Association (FemWiss) in cooperation with Elena Pont

Disability discrimination (ableism) is based on a hierarchisation of difference linked to an ideal of mental or physical “normality.” Prejudices and social structures hinder the everyday lives of people considered disabled. Subordination to anti-solidarity capitalist structures results for disabled people in forms of heteronomy, violence and existential fear. Structural disability intersects and intensifies with other axes of domination, for example on the basis of gender, sexuality, race or class.

How are differences perceived, but also reproduced – and can there be something empowering in this, without falling prey to essentialisation? In what ways gets feminist thought and action more comprehensive if it deals with disabilities or neurodiversity – and vice versa? What role does the question of representation and appropriation play in feminist and anti-ableist perspectives? What connections are there between feminised care work, disabilities and precarity, between ableism and patriarchy? What cross-fertilisation takes place between disability studies, crip theory and feminist research – and how do they translate into higher education policy approaches?

For FemInfo issue 69, we welcome contributions from research and its implementation that deal with one of the above questions or develop their own approaches to the topic.

Ideas/abstracts by March 15, 2025
Articles (ca. 6,000-13,000 characters) by July 1, 2025
Contact: Nina Seiler, redaktionfemwissch

Date di pubblicazione:

19 dicembre 2024


15 marzo 2025

