Yvonne Riaño

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Prof. Yvonne Riaño


Yvonne Riaño is Associate Professor at the Geography Institute of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), and chairs the Swiss National Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU). She is also a Research Project Leader at the Swiss National Centre for Competence in Research - The Migration-Mobility Nexus, and leads the 'Transnational Mobilities' Module. Yvonne Riaño obtained in 1996 her PhD in Human Geography from the University of Ottawa (Canada), and has since taught at Canadian, Austrian and Swiss universities. She specializes on Geographies of Inequality. Using a feminist perspective and participatory methodologies, her work contributes to understanding self-governance in Latin American informal settlements; the role of geographical imaginations in international migration; love migration as search for gender equality; the critical places and moments shaping gender- and ethnic inequality in the labour-market, the role of migration policies in shaping unequal work opportunities and mobility patterns of international students, and the re-integration strategies of return migrants to Colombia and Ecuador. She currently leads a research group on transnational migrant entrepreneurship in Colombia, Spain and Switzerland. Yvonne Riaño has extensively published peer-reviewed articles in international books and journals including Environment and Planning A; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; Journal of International Migration and Integration; Globalisation, Societies and Education; Diversities; Géoregards; Oxford Bibliographies, Population, Spaceand Place and Qualitative Research.