Course content

What is the relationship between power, culture and society? How do social and cultural processes matter in business, politics, and law? What makes us different and yet the same as human beings? These are just some of the questions that we will explore in this course. Using case studies (so-called ʹethnographiesʹ) from the heart of Europe right through to remote villages in the global south, this course will explore questions of human difference and sameness. Designed as an interactive seminar, it will make students understand the role of culture and power in their own lives, and equip them with the analytical and theoretical tools to bring a culturally informed analysis to their core subject areas - whether this is in business, management, politics, international relations, or law.

In the second and third year of the Bachelorʹs level, there are thematic areas of concentration within the contextual studies. This course introduces you to topics that you could further pursue in the concentration areas society, law or cultures.

Course structure and indications of the learning and teaching design

The course will consist of up to twelve two-hour sessions. The class will involve two parts. 1) a short section where the convener will present on the academic literature and case studies and 2) a longer interactive part where students are expected to have read and be able to discuss one academic article. The article will be a piece of scholarly writing that uses ethnography as its main method. Each class will discuss a separate topic with a diverse range of topics covered, from the human body to gender to questions of power, politics and law.








Type de haute école:
