Readings: Readings for this class are available through the USI library and on iCorsi.
Documentary: “Coded Bias,” Cinema Corso, October 15, 2021, 9:30am (time will be adjusted). 

The mediated images of the arrest and death of George Floyd put a spotlight on racism that reverberated globally and challenged discourses of postracialism. They also highlighted the importance of media representations of “race” as well as the role of social media in calling attention to as well as perpetuating racism. This course will discuss how representations of race in various old and new media reflect changing social structures imbued with notions of difference, inequalities, power, agency and ethics. Further, we will discuss how media representations of race impact our thinking, emotions and behaviours. Our discussions will highlight how race is articulated with other categories of difference such as ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and religion. The focus will be on the historical specificity of the constructions of “race” and racism and their contextual expressions. The course is designed to increase media literacy and diversity literacy, that is, the ability to decode representations of race and other differences and their significance in the social contexts.

The readings will examine representations of “race” across a wide span of media starting from traditional media, including news media and film. Next, the course will focus on the newer dynamics of digital media, particularly social media and gaming, and examine their impact on perpetuating racism as well as challenging and deconstructing it. This will include discussion of anti-racist games and apps simulating racist experiences for white gamers to develop understanding and empathy. The course will present frameworks and conceptual tools through classic and recent studies that demonstrate the different dynamics of racial representations across the globe and their impact.

Group presentations 30%
Students will present key points from an assigned reading and examples that show the readings relevance to class material and their professional interests. Each presentation should include visual elements and the following:
1. Introduction: how is this article relevant to the class material discussed thus far
2. What is the main point of the article: state clearly and explain
3. What are the main concepts presented in the article? Explain each.
4. What are the main findings of the study?
5. Present a professionally relevant example (e.g., a policy, a management case, etc.) that extends the understanding and application of the article. 

Exam: Individual Paper and presentation 70%
An original paper analyzing a media representation (a film, a video game, a TV show, an advertising campaign, etc.,) from your cultural background based on class material. Students must discuss their topics with the professor and have the topic approved by the middle of the semester. The students will present their paper on the last day of class.







Communication, Cultural Studies

Type de haute école:
