Course Objectives
- Understand and apply intercultural communication concepts;
- understanding the dynamic and multifaceted character of culture and cultural processes;
- ability to decode current inter/cultural debates;
- ability to recognize and deconstruct exclusion and power relations among groups;
- understand differences in interpretation of social reality among cultural groups;
- recognize the influence of history and power in intercultural communication;
- develop knowledge and skills for informed and engaged global citizenship.
Course Description
This course examines how culture and cultural differences shape interpersonal, intergroup, and mediated communication. Lectures present foundational concepts and theoretical ideas about cultural differences and intergroup relations. Readings extend and illustrate concepts with case studies of intercultural interactions in different cultural settings. We will discuss the readings in class which means that students need to read them and come prepared to ask questions and make comments. Lectures and discussions will focus on issues that are currently debated in many places and often spark intense disagreement or controversy. We will look at these issues from different angles to understand why groups and individuals disagree about their meaning or how to resolve them. Students will be challenged to think outside dominant norms and disagree in the spirit of critical exploration. The focus of this class is on intercultural interactions. We will not examine how different cultures communicate or their cultural practices, but instead focus on common issues and problems in communication between individuals and groups from different cultural backgrounds.
- Culture and cultural differences
- Belonging and identity
- Self and Other
- Discourse and Ideology
- Prejudice and Stereotypes; Social Psychological and Cultural Approaches
- Differences and Exclusion: Race, Ethnicity, Nationality
- Solidarity and Inclusion in Multiculturality
Learning Methods
This course is taught in English. The teaching methods include lectures, readings, discussions, oral and written reading reports, and self-directed learning.
Evaluation Procedures
30% of the assessment takes place in class, during the semester, in the form of written assignments. The final individual exam (70%) consists of multiple choice and short answer questions.
Communication, Linguistique, Diversity Studies
Type de haute école: