Anthropology of Youth: Aspirations and Politics in an Unequal World

Achtung: Die Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung gilt gleichzeitig als Anmeldung zur Leistungskontrolle!

In this course, we will ask what it means to be young across different geographies, classes, genders, religions, and ethnicities? How do people graduate into youth and from youth to adulthood across these different places and identities? What are the implications when such moments of transition are destabilized by lacking opportunities and crises? How do economic inequalities, political and social marginalization affect the condition of being young?
How, furthermore, do young people respond to these unequal conditions? What aspirations and emotions emerge out of them, and how do those aspirations translate into practices? Why and how do some opt for “exit” by seeking to migrate or by withdrawing from the political space? Why do others participate in collective mobilizations, from climate and feminist activism to darker involvements in gangs and militias? More broadly, what do these mobilizations tell us about the cultures and politics of youth?
These questions and the reading of classical texts on the subject will also be a starting point to reflect on the contribution of the anthropological discipline and ethnographic methods.
This course invites students to engage in reflexions about an age and a condition they know. Their active participation is expected throughout the course and through their presentation of a series of case studies listed above.








Anthropologie sociale

Type de haute école:
