Politiques d’égalité en Suisse: facteurs institutionnels de réussite et d’échec


Politiques d’égalité en Suisse: facteurs institutionnels de réussite et d’échec

Gender policies are based on a complex interplay between various and often contradictory patterns of interest in society and politics. This is likely to contribute to the fact that gender equality has only been partly realized in Switzerland and in other Western countries. Though numerous policy measures have been implemented in such fields as education, family and employment, gender equality is still a political issue. Gender-specific segregation in the educational system and on the labour market continues. In neither low nor more highly qualified ranks have women been able to attain the same success as men in terms of job position and wages, and gender stereotypes continue to affect the choice of education, training, and careers of young men and women.

Highlight of the introduction to issue, pp. 169-174

Edité par

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Informations sur la publication


Brigitte Liebig, René Levy, Birgit Sauer, Alfonso Sousa-Poza, Christian Imdorf, Stefan Sacchi, Karin Wohlgemuth, Sasha Cortesi, Aline Schoch, Farinaz Fassa, Valérie Rolle, Chiara C. Storari, Regula Julia Leemann, Yvan Droz, Valérie Miéville-Ott, Fenneke Reysoo, Ruedi Epple, Martin Gasser, Sarah Kersten, Michael Nollert, Sebastian Schief, Kathrin Bertschy, Philipp Walker, Annick Baeriswyl, Michael Marti, Nicky Le Feuvre, Morgane Kuehni, Magdalena Rosende, Céline Schoeni, Lucia Marina Lanfranconi, Eva Nadai, Alan Canonica

Maison d'édition:

Société Suisse de Sociologie et Editions Seismo, Revue suisse de sociologie, Vol. 40, cahier 2, juillet 2014, pp. 169-174


Allemand, Français, Anglais

Type de média:








Education – formation
Travail – carrière – professions
Ruralité – Agriculture
Economie – finance


Sociologie, Psychologie sociale, Economie, Science politique


Numéro de revue, Article