Would you like to improve your understanding of racism in higher education and learn how to implement anti-racist working methods and approaches? Would you like to invite experts or organize a workshop for your team or organization? Then we are happy to introduce you to Rahel El-Maawi.
Rahel El-Maawi, an anti-racism expert and member of the Think Tank Advisory Board, has worked with us to compile an overview of workshops and trainings on anti-racism that focus on higher education (see below). Of course we can warmly recommend Rahel herself as an expert in discrimination- and diversity-sensitive organizational development and as a very experienced coach for workshops on intersectionality and racism:
She works as a freelancer in various educational settings and as a lecturer at higher education institutions. For several years, she has drawn on her extensive experience and long-standing commitment in the field of anti-racism, to offer organizational consulting, training, coaching and mediation in order to support small and large teams in combatting racism.
To find out more about her work, we recommend this podcast: Rassismus – wie du rassismuskritisch denken und handeln kannst
Further workshops and training courses can be found here:
Berner Fachhochschule (BFH)
Kompetent gegen Rassimus – partizipativer Wissenstransfer in der Jugendarbeit
Kurs – Empowerment für Rassismusbetroffene
Haute école de travail social Fribourg (HETS·FR)
CAS en Coaching et mentoring – spécialiste en antiracisme
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW)
CAS Diversity- und Gleichstellungskompetenz
A further compilation of training courses offered by the Beratungsnetz für Rassismusopfer: