The Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS) is a scientific organization. Our aim is to promote gender studies in Switzerland and to represent its interests in Swiss higher education. SAGS also offers a forum for exchange and networking.

The SAGS in social media

News / Events

SAGS conference 2025 – Call for Submissions
The next SAGS conference «wissen – savoir – sapere – know(ledges)» will take place on September 8–9, 2025 at the University of Basel.
Links to the conference website and the call for submissions

SAGS General Assembly
25th October 2024, 16.30-18.00, Neuchâtel and online
more information

Roundtable Feminist Approaches to Political Violence
October 25, 2024, 6pm, Neuchâtel and online

Violence has always been a central theme in gender and feminist studies, which have produced - and continues to produce - a wealth of new knowledge. Today, perhaps more than ever, feminist theoretical and methodological approaches are becoming necessary for the study of violent conflict and war. This year's roundtable, organized in collaboration with the SAGS research network «Gender & Political Science» is dedicated to Feminist Approaches to Political Violence.

download flyer

Book launch
“Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage: Critical Feminist Interventions”

Date: October 24, 2024, 19.00–20.30 followed by an aperitif
Location: Paranoia City bookstore, Ankerstrasse 12, 8004 Zurich
Admission free. The event will be held in German.

The editors and authors will discuss the significance of women’s suffrage for the understanding of democracy in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and about current challenges for the political participation of women.
They talk about memory politics and feminist struggles and discourses on citizenship and human rights, about digitalization as a challenge for the democratic participation of women and about new ways of understanding and strengthening democracy.

With Anna Antonakis, Zoé Kergomard, Lea Küng, Katrin Meyer, Pauline Milani, Beat Ospelt, Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid, Patricia Purtschert and Yunna Skliarova.
Moderation: Helena Rust.

Search for contemporary witnesses to Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger
The lawyer Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger (1933–2022) was the first woman to be elected to the Federal Supreme Court in 1972 and remained the only female judge on Switzerland’s highest court until 1991. As a judge and publicist, MBE was a pioneer for women’s rights and gender equality in Switzerland.
The historian and sociologist Christina Caprez ( is researching MBE’s life and work on behalf of the FRI Foundation for Feminist Legal Studies and Gender Law.
Did you know Margrith Bigler-Eggenberger personally or did you work with her?
Do you know people who knew MBE more closely and could provide information? More information and contact (in German)

Recently published
in the book series Gender Issues

Philomina Bloch-Chakkalakkal (2024): Unsichtbar unverzichtbar. Familien- und Berufsleben von Nurses aus Kerala in der Schweiz aus einer postmigrantischen Perspektive more information

Katrin Meyer, Stephanie Pfenninger Tuchschmid, Yunna Skliarova (eds.) (2024): Revisioning Democracy and Women’s Suffrage: Critical Feminist Interventions  more information

Thierry Delessert, Chiara Boraschi, Nelly Valsangiacomo (eds.) (2024): Pauvres, immorales et contraintes. Les adversités des mères célibataires en Suisse more information


Further events and everything you need to know about Gender Studies in Switzerland can be found on Gender Campus: