In September 2015 the Swiss Gender Studies Network organized a research workshop at the University of Lausanne in cooperation with the SAGS. The aim of this workshop was to develop key areas for future research, as well as to strengthen cooperation between higher education institutions in the field of gender studies, in order to expand and anchor the Swiss Gender Studies Network. Within the framework of this workshop, several thematic working groups were established.
More recently, a new working group has been created at the biennial conference of the SAGS in November 2021. In 2022 the working groups were renamed research networks.
Call for the creation of research networks
The SAGS fosters the creation of thematic networks, which contribute to the stimulation of research collaborations between universities and regions as well as to the anchoring, networking and development of gender studies research in Switzerland.
The SAGS supports the research networks financially and by offering them visibility on its website, the possibility to communicate via its electronic newsletter Bulletin SSEG-SGGF, and the possibility to publish in the series "Gender Issues".
Inquiries for financial support need to be addressed at info genregeschlecht ch. Please attach to your inquiry a detailed project plan (max. 1 page), including a budget. Furthermore, research networks who profit from financial support from SAGS are asked to consistently indicate this in their documentation (logo of SAGS) and will be asked to document their project in the annual report.
Proposals for the creation of new thematic research networks can be sent at any time to info genregeschlecht ch.
Existing research networks (formerly working groups)
- Working Group TransforMen (German)
- Working Group Affects, Feelings and Emotions
- Working Group Feminisms, Marxism and Decoloniality (FMD): The Latin American Working Group of the SSEG
- Gender & Political Science
- Globalization, Race and Alterity within and beyond the University (GRAU)
- rag – research art gender
Guidelines for research networks
SAGS Research Networks - Guideline