The Brigitte Schnegg Prize was created in honor of Prof. Dr. Brigitte Schnegg who directed the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies at the University of Bern until her unexpected death in spring 2014. The purpose of the award is to honor outstanding academic work in the field of gender studies in Switzerland contributing to social and political change. The first prize ceremony was held at our general assembly in 2017.
In 2023, the jury of the Brigitte Schnegg Prize awarded two researchers for their outstanding work: Fiona Friedli for her dissertation Régulation des relations familiales et reproduction de l'ordre de genre : des transformations du droit à la justice en action and Rachel Huber for her dissertation published as Die Frauen der Red-Power-Bewegung. Die Bedeutung von Born-digital-Selbstzeugnissen für unsichtbare Akteurinnen in der Erinnerungskultur. At the award ceremony on 3.11.2023 in Neuchâtel (and online), both gave talks on their research. To the winners 2023
The winner of the 2021 Brigitte Schnegg Prize is Dr. Faten Khazaei. She receives the award for her dissertation Manufacturing Difference: Double Standard in Swiss Institutional Responses to Intimate Partner Violence. An honorary award goes to Dr. Leandra Bias for her dissertation The (Im)Possibility of Feminist Critique in Authoritarianism: Revisiting Western Knowledge-Transfer in Russia & Serbia. To the winners 2021
After the award ceremony, the winner Dr. Khazaei gave a lecture titled Re-politicizing intersectionality: In theory and practice.
The winner of the Brigitte-Schnegg prize 2019 is Dr. iur. Nula Katharina Frei. She receives the prize for her dissertation "Menschenhandel und Asyl. Die Umsetzung der völkerrechtlichen Vorgaben zum Opferschutz im schweizerischen Asylverfahren" . An honorary mention goes to Mathilde Schnegg for her master's thesis "Les politiques suisses de contraception ; le fédéralisme à l’épreuve du genre". More.
The 2017 recipients of the Brigitte-Schnegg-Prize were Fabienne Amlinger for her work on women’s organizations within Swiss political parties («Im Vorzimmer zur Macht? – Die Frauenorganisationen der SPS, FDP und CVP (1971 bis 1995)»), and Yv E. Nay for their work “Feeling Family” on affective paradoxes in normalizing queer families («Feeling Family – Affektive Paradoxien der Normalisierung von „Regenbogenfamilien»).