Current projects and collaborations:

  • Leaders for Equality: University leaders seize opportunities

What do men actually have to do with gender equality? A lot, because leaders are crucial when it comes to change. In the "Leaders for Equality"-survey, conducted at all Swiss universities and ETHs, male professors and lecturers were asked about their commitment to gender equality issues. The female professors and lecturers were asked how they in turn rated the commitment of their male colleagues.

The project "Leaders for Equality" at the University of St. Gallen aims to promote equality. "This can only be achieved by examining the role of male leaders more closely, as women are still underrepresented in leadership positions." It analyses how male executives are involved in gender equality issues and how they can actively foster gender equality. 

Toolbox "Leaders for Equality"


  • P-7 Diversity, inclusion and equality in higher education development (2021-2024)

The list of supported projects from the two calls of the 2021-2024 programme can be found here.

  • H.I.T. - High Potential University Leaders Identity & Skills Training Program - Inclusive Leadership in Academia

The H.I.T. programme was launched as part of the swissuniversities programme "P-7 Diversität, Inklusion und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Hochschulentwicklung (2021–2024". The H.I.T. programme serves as an exclusive Swiss training platform for female professors. As a cooperation project between the Swiss universities, the two Federal Institutes of Technology and other partners - including IDEAS - it promotes networking and a deep exchange of knowledge. This type of cooperation not only strengthens collaboration and networking; participants also gain an empowering expercience.

  • Better Science: Academic culture in the 21st century

It calls for a rethinking of the current paradigm of quantifying scientific work towards more Sustainability, Diversity and Equal Opportunities in the Academy. Learn more about the project.

  • Selectivity based on social origin

According to research, it is possible to predict the educational path of future generations in Switzerland and their acquisition of degrees according to their social origin. At universities, there are hardly any measures in place to reduce these access barriers. Universities can and should also assume their share of responsibility with regard to social selectivity. The cooperation project is developing recommendations for this at the university level.

  • National campaign against sexual harassment at universities

Sexual harassment and sexism are social problems that do not stop at Swiss universities. On the contrary, the precarious employment conditions of many researchers, a heavy workload, hierarchical structures and little diversity in certain disciplines and departments are four of several risk factors for transgressive behaviour. On 23 March, the Sexual Harassment Awareness Day (SHAD) will take place across the universities.

  • Think Tank Gender & Diversity - Forum of Swiss Higher Education Institutions

The Think Tank Gender & Diversity is a nationwide project involving Swiss universities, higher education institutions and non-academic institutions committed to promoting gender & diversity. The Forum establishes a link between the nineteen projects. Read more about the forum here.


  • chance_be: Equal opportunities in the choice of career and studies at Bern universities
  • Annual reports: