Since 1998, the HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland has become a great source of skills, ideas, innovation, creativity and knowledge.
The HES-SO is recognised by the Confederation and member of swissuniversities.
With its six faculties and network of schools of higher education, the HES-SO plays a preeminent role in the socio-economic and cultural development of the seven cantons of Western Switzerland and is a recognised player within the Swiss and international landscape of higher education.
With 21,000 students, the HES-SO is the largest UAS in Switzerland. Its 68 study programs and research activities are divided into six faculties: Design and Fine Arts; Business, Management and Services; Engineering and Architecture; Music and Performing Arts; Health; and Social Work.
Inferior Institutions:
nccr – on the move. National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration-Mobility Nexus
Haute école de santé Fribourg | HES·SO
Haute Ecole Arc - Gestion | HES·SO
HEAD – Haute école d'art et de design – Genève | HES-SO
Egalité et Diversité HES-SO
HETS Haute école de travail sociale Genève | HES-SO
Haute école de travail social Fribourg | HES-SO
School of Social Work | HES-SO Valais-Wallis
HESAV - Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud | HES-SO
HETSL Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne | HES·SO
HES-SO Rectorat
Clothilde Palazzo-Crettol, Frédérique Leresche, Anne Lavanchy, Marion Repetti, Léonore Cabin, Marina Richter, Raphaël Hammer, David Pichonnaz, Sabine Kradolfer, Maria Sokhn, Séverine Rey, Marianne Modak, Karine Clerc, Pascal Eric Gaberel, Laurence Bachmann, Béatrice Bertho, Natalie Benelli, Véréna Keller, Sophie Rodari, Iulia Hasdeu