Queering Social Science: Categorizations, politics, power


Queer theory critically examines the way power works to institutionalize and hence legitimate certain forms and expressions of sexuality and gender while excluding others. In line with other theories that critique power, privilege, and normativity (including CRT, feminist theory, post-colonial theory, intersectional approaches, etc.), queer theory refuses the idea that sexuality and gender are essentialist categories (determined by biology) that can thus be empirically judged by fixed standards. The theorists we will discuss tackle to challenge “regimes of sexuality” in terms of a system of knowledge, embedded in particular power relations.

This seminar aims at giving insights into approaches analyzing the institutional practices and discourses producing sexual knowledge and how those categorizations regulate social life by ‘sexualising’ bodies, desires, acts, social relations, institutions, politics and power. We will begin developing a critical understanding of Queer Theory by reading some foundational texts (from authors such as Judith Butler, Michel Foucault, etc). Afterwards, we will immerse into two specific thematic fields, ‘queering’ them: The session on migration studies will analyse the intersectional nexus of mobility and queerness by critically asking what the queer perspective can contribute to the understanding of this complex field. A second session takes a closer look at the queer critique of the lesbian and gay movements and its politics. Discussing the “normalization” of specific, socially situated gay, and lesbian lifestyles, and the ensuing marginalizations and exclusions this creates for categories such as queers of colour or transgender persons, the session will examine contemporary LGBTQIA+ politics and categories through a queer lens. In these two thematic sessions, the seminar will focus on empirical studies, analyzing the ways these fields are fundamentally shaped by regimes of sexualities.

Based on the readings and in-class discussions, students will write a conference paper that brings a queer perspective into the analysis of an empirical phenomenon of their own choosing within these two fields. These papers will be presented and discussed in a student conference, which is part of the seminar.






Gender Studies, Soziologie


Universitäre Hochschulen (UH)