Anthropology and Design: Bodies, Objects, Spaces and their Politics

Anthropology and Design: Bodies, Objects, Spaces and their Politics is an interdisciplinary course that explores the relationship between design and anthropology. In this course, we will examine how bodies, objects, and spaces are designed, experienced, and contested within different socio-political and cultural contexts.
Drawing on critical design, decolonial, feminist, and critical disability studies, we will look at how the politics of design (as in who and what is defined as design) and design politics (as the political implications and consequences of design decisions) are produced discursively and materially.
Through readings, discussions, and hands-on activities, students will critically analyze the socio-political implications of design on bodies, objects, and spaces. We will explore questions such as: how design intersects with ability, class, gender identity, race, and sexuality reflecting power dynamics and inequalities in society; how design practices can sustain or transform our ways of being, knowing and the social order, lastly how anthropology and design can support each other towards more socially engaged practices?





